Developing a framework for equitable media literacy practice: Voices from the field

The article presents a framework for equitable media literacy practice (EMLP), which changes structure, action, and agency in service of an imagined and inclusive future and makes space for equitable civic and educational experiences. We derived this framework from 28 in-depth interviews with media literacy practitioners across the US. We asked these practitioners what EMLP would mean to them and what challenges and opportunities for EMLP emerge within their individual and organizational contexts. Interviewees acknowledge that equity is difficult to achieve given daily individual, community, and social concerns but is an important component of civic engagement.

Tully, M., Johnson, P. R.., Foster, B., Mihailidis, P., Ramasubramanian, S., Burth, S. K., & Riewestahl, E. Developing a framework for equitable media literacy practice: Voices from the field. Communication, Culture & Critique.