Budgeting in Viet Nam: Decentralized Decision-Making in a Unitary State Budget Environment

Comparative Public Budgeting and Finance by Charles E. Menifield is a collection of original chapters examining public budgeting issues, methods, and techniques in countries around the world. Each chapter explores the history of the budget system and how it fits within the political system in the country, as well as the legal foundation and any reforms that affect the budget system. A discussion of revenue and expenditure allocations is included in each section. 

Chapter 8: Budgeting in Viet Nam: Decentralized Decision-Making in a Unitary State Budget Environment is  by P. Nguyen-Hoang and L. Schroeder.

Nguyen-Hoang, P. & Schroeder, . Budgeting in Viet Nam: Decentralized Decision-Making in a Unitary State Budget Environment. Sudbury, MA