Guidebook for Assessing the Social and Economic Effects of Transportation Projects
This report presents guidance for practitioners in assessing the social and economic implications of transportation projects for their surrounding communities. Presented in guidebook format, the report identifies current best methods, tools, and techniques, based on an extensive literature review and comprehensive survey of state departments of transportation and metropolitan planning organizations. Additional resources are contained in the appendixes, including a discussion of geographic information system applications for social and economic impact analysis, tips on designing effective sur- vey questionnaires, an overview of the travel demand modeling process, and a brief review of relevant legislation that provides the legal basis for impact assessment requirements. The guidebook should be particularly valuable to transportation planners in conducting assessments and producing results that are easily understood by resi- dents, stakeholders, and decision makers. The guidebook will help planners not only to comply with applicable laws, executive orders, and regulations, but also to employ best practices for good participatory planning.