Dissertation Completion Program

The purpose of the Dissertation Completion Program is to support advanced graduate students in the final year of their dissertation or final creative project.

The program provides participants with:

  • Private, quiet office spaces. Participants are allocated offices that are free from distractions and are customizable to suit individual needs.
  • A welcoming, supportive work environment. Our administrative, research, and IT staff offer specialized services and expertise to assist with project completion. Participants are encouraged to use in-house amenities to reserve meeting rooms, utilize printing stations, and relax and recharge in break areas. Participants are also warmly invited to attend center events.
  • Organized cohort meetings. Participants meet regularly to share project updates, discuss roadblocks and resources, and give and receive feedback. Meetings are also used for research workshops, networking opportunities, and professional development.
  • Funding to support work. Participants may request up to $1,000 in funds to defray costs associated with research travel or development during program enrollment.

2023-2024 Program Participants

Sun Joo Lee_headshot

Sun Joo Lee

School of Music, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

"The Effectiveness of Therapeutic Group Singing to Improve Voice Quality and Mood for Individuals with Parkinson's Disease"

Headshot of Tasha Lindo.

Tasha Lindo

Literacy, Culture, and Language Education, College of Education

"Engaging in critical conversations with secondary school Asian American and Pacific Islander girls in an AAPI young adult book club"


Haofeng Ma

Department of Political Science, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

"Native Tongues, Language Policy, and Political Attitudes"


Pamela Nwachukwu

Dental Public Health, College of Dentistry

"Impact of Medicaid Dental Policy Changes on Dental Care Access for the Medicaid Population"


Chad Rhym

Department of Sociology and Criminology, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

"100 Years of the Golden Rule: Interrogating Racialized Norms in Journalistic Objectivity"

Application Information

Applications for the Dissertation Completion Program are currently closed. Applications for the next session are anticipated to open Fall 2024.

For more information on the PPC’s Dissertation Completion Program, please email: ppc@uiowa.edu.