UI3/ISRC Data Science Institute: Mixed-effects Models & Related Topics with R

June 8, 2018
8:30 AM – 12:30 PM
40 Schaefer Hall

The University of Iowa, a pioneer in Informatics research, will host a data science institute featuring a number of mini-classes the week of June 4-8, 2018. The workshop is a collaborative effort between the Iowa Social Science Research Center (ISRC) and the Iowa Informatics Initiative (UI3). The institute will teach participants about the basic building blocks of coding as applied in the fields of the Biological, Physical, Social Sciences, and Digital Humanities. We welcome faculty, staff, post-docs, graduate, and undergraduate students interested in building new skills in informatics. The topics for Summer 2018 include applications of Python and R programming languages to understand networks, social media analytics, information and data visualization. Faculty from UI3,  Educational Measurement and Statistics (CoEdu) and Social Science will teach the courses.

June 8, 2018 - Mixed-effects Models and Related Topics with R - Dr. Ariel Aloe
This course provides a practical introduction to mixed-models and related topics with R. These models allow for the analysis of nested and cross-classified data. Nested and cross-classified data structures occur often in many contexts (e.g. students nested within classrooms or schools, patients nested within clinicians, teeth nested within mouth, repeated observations nested within subject, etc). Participants will learn how to use a variety of mixed models and related packages available in R (e.g., nlme, lme4, sandwich, geepack)

The Data Science Institute is sponsored by the Iowa Informatics Initiative (UI3) and the Iowa Social Science Research Center (ISRC).

Each course will involve a 4 hour morning session focused on instructor presentation of the material. Sessions will meet in 40 Schaeffer Hall (SH 40).

Visit our website for more information:  https://uiowa.edu/datascience.

Follow the below link to register for the June Data Science Institute. There is no fee associated with the institute. You can register for all the sessions or individual sessions (see below).

Register here: https://uiowa.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_00R12RTg7biZKdL

The number of seats per session is limited to 60. There will be a waitlist accessed through the registration survey after the quota fills for each session.

Please contact Fred BoehmkeSai Ramadugu, or Elizabeth Menninga with questions.

Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to attend all University of Iowa-sponsored events. If you are a person with a disability who requires an accommodation in order to participate in this program, please contact Dragana Petic at dragana-petic@uiowa.edu.