15-Minute Cities Workshop

February 2, 2024
9:00 AM – 1:00 PM

15-minute cities enable residents to access most daily amenities within a 15-minute walk or bicycle ride. 15-minute cities are an increasingly popular concept to enhance sustainability and well-being. However, 15-minute cities require coordination of land use policies, transportation systems, pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure, economic development, equitable access, and social infrastructure.

The objectives of the 15-minute cities workshop include:

  • Identify key challenges and unanswered questions regarding 15-minute cities
  • Connect researchers from multiple disciplines with expertise related to 15-minute cities (e.g., urban planning, transportation, analytics, economic development, engineering, health and well-being, social justice and equity, law)
  • Create interdisciplinary working groups to collaborate on research projects or grant opportunities related to 15-minute cities

Hosted by the Tippie College of Business Social Impact Community and the School of Planning and Public Affairs.

Read more about the two-part event here.

Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to attend all University of Iowa-sponsored events. If you are a person with a disability who requires an accommodation in order to participate in this program, please contact Dragana Petic at dragana-petic@uiowa.edu.