Multiple Awards for PPC Research Assistant

Nikhil Sikka, Graduate Research Assistant at the PPC and Ph.D. student in the University of Iowa's Civil and Environmental Engineering program, was awarded the 2009-2010 Jan Kibbe Student Scholarship sponsored by MOVITE (Missouri Valley Section of the Institute of Transportation Engineers). A professional group representing public agencies, academic institutions, private industry, and consulting groups, MOVITE grants the yearly scholarship to students who have demonstrated excellence in the area of traffic and/or transportation engineering. Mr. Sikka also recently won the Midwestern District’s Student Poster Competition at the 43rd Midwestern ITE District Annual Conference, the Public Policy Research Award at the U of I's 2009 Interdisciplinary Health Group Student Poster Session, and took the 2nd-place prize for the best research paper (Social Sciences & Education Division) at the James F. Jakobsen Graduate Conference, also at the University of Iowa.