President Mason Praises PPC's Work at Anniversary Reception


On Monday, September 30, approximately 80 people attended a 25th anniversary celebration for the Public Policy Center at University of Iowa President Sally Mason's residence. Guests included Iowa Regents Milt Dakovich, Bob Downer, and Hannah Walsh, several local officials, Senator Joe Bolkcom and Representative Mary Mascher, and representatives from Congressman Dave Loebsack's and Senator Chuck Grassley's offices.  President Mason, Vice President for Research Dan Reed, and PPC Director Peter Damiano presented remarks about the PPC's history, its mission, its spirit of collaboration and outreach both on campus and off, and highlights from the past year, including:

  • The PPC was started 25 years ago by Professor David Forkenbrock, a faculty member in Urban and Regional Planning.
  • Forkenbrock had the vision to see the benefit of having University of Iowa scholars assist policymakers in making evidence-based decisions.
  • The PPC was originally focused on transportation but has grown to include six major areas of policy research: health, human factors and vehicle safety, transportation, housing and land use, environment and social science research.
  • Faculty and research staff from all across campus are engaged in research and outreach activities at the PPC, and inform state policymakers about everything from teen driving safety to transportation financing.
  • While state-focused, research activities and influence extend nationally and internationally from Chile to India to Sweden.
  • The Iowa Social Science Research Center is actively assisting researchers across campus in getting research grants and helping them collect data for projects
  • Over 50 students are funded each year on projects conducted by the PPC - a valuable learning experience for the students.
  • The PPC also engages the public and policymakers by sharing the research and expertise of UI scholars and other national and international experts through speakers and symposia, as part of the Forkenbrock series on Public Policy.
  • The PPC conducts a Legislative Lunch and Learn Series annually, bringing experts from UI to the capital during the legislative session.

Highlights from last year:

  • Collaborated with scholars from all colleges on research or public engagement activities
  • Research funding of approximately $10 million in grants/contracts
  • Diverse sources of funding, such as the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, state agencies, foundations, industry
  • Published 26 journal articles, 9 research reports ,  abstracts, 4 book chapters
  • Employed 55 students