Damiano Interviewed About Supreme Court Ruling on ACA


Today (June 25) the United States Supreme Court ruled that it is legal for the federal government to pay subsidies toward insurance purchased on the federal online marketplace, known as healthcare.gov.  This ruling has a direct impact on nearly 40,000 Iowans, as Iowa is one of 37 states that are using the federal website instead of having their own versions.

Peter Damiano, Director of the Public Policy Center and its Health Policy Research program, is frequently cited in news stories regarding the Affordable Care Act, and was interviewed on IPR's River to River today, and by Des Moines Register reporter Tony Leys.  Damiano has done extensive research on the implications of the Affordable Care Act.  To read the Des Moines Register article, click here.  A link to the River to River interview will be posted here when available.

To read some of the Public Policy Center's research findings on health care reform, click here.