Damiano Presents at Iowa Ideas Symposium


Peter Damiano, director of the Public Policy Center and its Health Policy Research program, spoke at the Iowa Ideas symposium in Cedar Rapids on October 3, on the topic of privately managed Medicaid in Iowa. Iowa's Medicaid system has transitioned to a managed care organization, Iowa Medicaid Enterprises. Director Michael Randol also addressed the audience, stating that the latest management change has gone well overall.

Damiano addressed the challenges that managed care organizations face during transitions, and addressed some of the challenges that Iowa's system has faced. To read a full article in The Gazette about the presentation, click here.

The purpose of the Iowa Ideas symposium is to provide a nonpartisan, statewide learning experience to explore questions and ideas that will shape the future of Iowa.

Damiano is also Bernstein Professor in the Department of Preventive and Community Dentistry at the University of Iowa College of Dentistry and Dental Clinics.