Entrance to an Emergency department

Momany Co-Authors Article in Journal of Pediatrics


Elizabeth Momany, associate research scientist in the Health Policy Research Program, co-authored journal article that was part of a ten state project, funded by the Center for Disease Control (CDC). The study, "Disability, Hospital Care, and Cost: Utilization of Emergency and Inpatient Care by a Cohort of Children with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilties," was published in The Journal of Pediatrics.

The objective of the study was to determine patterns of healthcare utilization in children with intellectual and developmental disabilities, including frequency of service utilization, conditions that require hospital care, and costs. The study concluded that these children receive significantly more emergency department and inpatient care than other children, resulting in higher annual costs. Recognizing chronic conditions that increase the need for hospital care can guide outpatient care strategies to ensure proper management of those conditions before hospital care is needed.

The full journal article can be read here.