CareQuest — Institute for Oral Health

Public Policy Center Receives Renewal Funding from CareQuest Institute for Oral Health


The Patient-Centered Dental Home project, housed at the UI Public Policy Center, has been underway for several years with the goal of defining a patient-centered dental home model of care and quality measurement framework that facilitates dental care quality measurement and improvement across multiple care settings as well as medical-dental integration. Initial project phases focused on developing the definition and conceptual framework for a patient-centered dental home, and we recently released an online PCDH Clearinghouse of approximately 500 oral health quality measures and standards.

The project was recently awarded $185,000 in renewal funding, which will support completing development of the PCDH framework and beginning the implementation stage by developing PCDH measure sets and laying the groundwork for pilot implementation. This critical phase of the project creates the bridge from the conceptual framework development to actual implementation.

Julie Reynolds and Pete Damiano are co-PIs on the project.