Animate graphic of research components.

PPC Announces Participants Selected for Summer Research Programs


The Public Policy Center selected five participants for its summer research programs. These five-week residency programs provide dedicated space and research support to UI faculty and scientific staff. The program begins on Monday, June 17 and runs through Friday, July 19.

Fellowship for Qualitative Research

  • Mary Cohen, associate professor in the College of Education and School of Music, "Generative Justice through Music-Making with Youth in Conflict with the Law: Preparing a Participatory Action Study

  • Alison Bianchi, associate professor in the Department of Sociology and Criminology, "Where Have All the Subjects Gone?: A Focus Group Analysis of Experimental Research Participation"

  • Allison Rowe, assistant professor in the College of Education, "Supporting Youth Civic Participation Through Public Art-Making in Iowa"


  • Amber Powell, assistant professor in the Department of Sociology and Criminology, "At the Intersection of Carceral & Sexual Citizenship: How Incarcerated Communities Mobilize Prison Rape Law"

  • Megan Gilster, associate professor in the School of Social Work, "Social Work Graduate Student Economic Hardship: The Role of Debt and Unpaid Practicum in Food and Housing Insecurity"

The PPC team looks forward to supporting these important projects!