2017-18 PREP Evaluation
The Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP) is a federally funded initiative in the United States to educate young people on abstinence and contraception. The desired outcome is to prevent unintended pregnancy and transmission of sexually transmitted infections, including HIV/ AIDS. PREP programming targets at-risk youth ages 10-19 that are homeless, in foster care, live in rural areas or in geographic areas with high teen birth rates, or come from racial or ethnic minority groups. PREP programming models are based on evidence-based practices that have shown to be effective in delaying initiation of adolescent sexual activity, increasing contraceptive use, andreducing rates of unintended pregnancy. PREP curricula may also address topics related to healthy relationships, adolescent development, healthy life skills, parent-child communication, financial literacy, and educational and career success. The U.S. Family and Youth Services Bureau (FYSB) awards individual states with funding for implementation of PREP programming. States may choose which programs are implemented under PREP from among 35 evidence-based programs selected by the federal government. In the state of Iowa, the Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) is the administrator of state PREP funding. IDPH awards contracts to community-based organizations and agencies through a competitive grant process. Each site must demonstrate the need for PREP funding in their community and their capacity to deliver an evidence-based program to the adolescent population.