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Brigadier Walsh

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Title & Affiliation
Army Corps of Engineers

Brigadier General Michael J. Walsh is Commander of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mississippi Valley Division (MVD), headquartered in Vicksburg, Miss. MVD boundaries extend from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico, include portions of 12 states, and encompass 370,000 square miles. As Commander, Walsh is responsible for a $7.5 billion civil works program. The programs and activities overseen by the MVD are conducted by six district offices located in St. Paul, Minn., Rock Island, Ill., St. Louis, Mo., Memphis, Tenn., Vicksburg, Miss., and New Orleans, La. Walsh holds a B.A. in civil engineering from Polytechnic Institute of New York and an MA in construction management from the University of Florida. His military education includes the Engineer Officers Basic and Advanced Courses, U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, and the U.S. Army War College. Walsh’s awards include two Bronze Stars, four Legions of Merit, and numerous lesser awards.