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Event Speaker

Donald Guckert

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Title & Affiliation
Associate Vice President and Director of Facilities Management University of Iowa

Don Guckert serves as the associate vice president for facilities for the University of Iowa. He has twenty years of experience in higher education facilities management and an additional ten years of construction industry experience. Don is an APPA Fellow, serves as dean of Planning, Design & Construction for APPA’s Institute for Facilities Management and sits on the Construction Specifications Institute’s (CSI) Editorial Advisory Board for the Construction Specifier. He has authored several articles for the Facilities Manager and Construction Specifier, and is the editor of two publications: From Concept to Commissioning: Planning, Design & Construction of Campus Facilities and Stewardship & Accountability in Campus Planning, Design & Construction. He is a licensed professional engineer and holds a master’s degree in engineering management and bachelor’s degrees in engineering and liberal arts & sciences.