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Event Speaker

Erica Johnson

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Title & Affiliation
American Civil Liberties Union of Iowa

Erica joined the ACLU of Iowa in 2013 and is serving as the Advocacy Director working to advance and protect the rights of all people regardless of immigration status, and fighting back against laws, policies, and practices that harm and discriminate against any Iowan. She works with coalition partners and impacted communities across the state to push for positive measures on local, state and federal levels.

Erica has a diverse background in organizing and advocacy that includes working with faith groups and community organizations on various issue campaigns related to immigrants’ rights, domestic violence, human trafficking and tobacco control. She has also served as a volunteer interpreter for Iowa Legal Aid and as a volunteer English as a Second Language instructor.

Erica is holds a Masters of Public Administration from Drake University in Des Moines, IA and holds her B.A. in Psychology and Spanish from North Park University in Chicago, IL.