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Event Speaker

Jason Hellendrung

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Title & Affiliation
Principal Sasaski Associates

Jason Hellendrung joined Sasaki in 2001 and has participated in landscape architecture and urban design work on a wide range of projects. He has extensive experience as a project manager and senior designer on a variety of public infrastructure project types, including transit, waterfronts, public streetscapes, parks and plazas. His project responsibilities include master planning and design through all aspects of built projects, from schematic design through construction administration. Much of Mr. Hellendrung’s recent work is in the public realm, shaping cities through public infrastructure improvements, and in particular, public access in urban areas, the redevelopment of waterfronts, and integration of transportation into the city. His current work includes leading the Cedar Rapids River Corridor Redevelopment Plan and recovery following the city’s historic flood in June 2008.