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Event Speaker

Kris Kilibarda

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Title & Affiliation
Grand View University

Kris Kilibarda is the Director of the Jacobson Institute for Innovation in Education at Grand View University. Kris has an undergraduate degree in biology and chemistry and a Master’s Degree in biology from Drake University. She began her teaching career as a high school biology and chemistry teacher and taught science at the community college and university levels prior to completing her doctorate in Educational Leadership with a focus on science education and professional development. Kris was associate professor and education department chair at Central College where she taught science and science methods courses and was active in promoting and using community-based learning as an instructional pedagogy. As a teacher-educator, Kris loves igniting a passion for teaching as she knows excited, confident science educators are essential for creating the next generation of scientifically-literate citizens. At both the high school and college levels, she received awards for outstanding teaching and for implementing innovative teaching methods. Kris is a member of the Iowa Science Leadership Committee and served the Governor’s Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Advisory Council as the 2012-13 South Central Region STEM Manager. As manager, she facilitated Iowa educators’ implementation of exciting STEM programs, developed business-school connections, and presented on creating learning experiences where students learn rigorous content in authentic contexts. As Director of the Jacobson Institute, she is committed to advocating for access to quality STEM education for all learners and works collaboratively with state and national partners to identify, design, and provide exemplary STEM resources and learning experiences that prepare learners for success in a global society.