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Event Speaker

Michael Goldberg

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Title & Affiliation
Administrative Services Director Linn County Disaster Recovery Coordinator

Michael E. Goldberg is currently Emergency Management Coordinator for the Linn County Emergency Management Agency. Mr. Goldberg holds a B.A. in Economics and an M.A. in Public Administration from the University of Iowa. From 1975-1989 he served as a member of the Iowa City Police Department and then was Chief of Police for Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. In 1994, Mr. Goldberg was hired as Administrative Services Director/Assistant to the Board of Supervisors for Linn County. During the Flood of 2008, he served as public information officer for Linn County. Two days after the crest at 19 feet above flood stage, he assumed his role as disaster recovery coordinator and directed the management team that re-established most county services within ten days post-flood including the Sheriff’s Office, Courthouse and Administration Buildings. Following the flood, he assumed new responsibilities as Director of Strategic and Legislative Services until joining Emergency Management in February 2009.