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Event Speaker

Peter Thorne

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Title & Affiliation
Professor and Director Environmental Health Sciences Research Center University of Iowa

Peter S. Thorne is Professor of Toxicology and Environmental Health in the University of Iowa, College of Public Health. He holds a secondary appointment as Professor of Environmental Engineering. He received his MSc in biomedical engineering and PhD in toxicology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and did his post-doctoral training in immunotoxicology at the University of Pittsburgh. He is Director of the NIEHS-funded Environmental Health Sciences Research Center, Director of the University of Iowa, Pulmonary Toxicology Facility and leads research on environmental risk factors for asthma, inflammatory lung diseases, endotoxin- and glucan-induced immunomodulation, nanotoxicology and novel methodology for exposure assessment. His research appears in over 180 peer-reviewed publications and book chapters. Dr. Thorne is co-director of the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Human Toxicology. He has served on many editorial and review boards for scientific journals and government agencies, and on the NIH National Advisory Environmental Health Sciences Council.