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Event Speaker

Rosa Lozano

Generic cartoon silhouette
Title & Affiliation
National Workers' Center AFL-CIO

Rosa Lozano is a second generation immigrant from El Salvador. Her parents migrated to the U.S. As political refugees during the civil war in El Salvador. 

She was brought up in the immigrants rights and labor movement. She has been a student organizer with Unites Students Against Sweatshops (USAS) fighting for garment workers through corporate accountability campaigns on her campus. She was the first youth organizer at CASA de Maryland and helped mobilize hundreds of undocumented students and youth across the state in passing the MD Dream Act/in state tuition that granted access to higher education to students regardless of immigration status.  During her time at CASA de Maryland, she was also part of actions and mobilizations like 'move the game' in response to SB1070 in AZ.

In 2012, she was part of the 'no papers, no fear' bus tour also known as UnDocubus through the Not1More campaign of the National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON) fighting deportations town by town, city by city, state by state.  While at UFCW local 400, she organized low wage grocery store immigrant workers and fought for better wages and conditions for Walmart workers.

Rosa Lozano is currently the National Worker Center Partnership Coordinator at the AFL-CIO.