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Event Speaker

Sam Medlock

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Title & Affiliation
Policy Counsel Association of State Floodplain Managers

Sam Riley Medlock is Policy Counsel & Program Manager for the Association of State Floodplain Managers, a national professional association working to mitigate current and future losses, costs, and human suffering caused by flooding. She has more than eighteen years of experience in hazard mitigation and environmental policy working with lawmakers, stakeholders, regulators, and utilities. Sam serves on the National Committee on Levee Safety, which recently completed the report to Congress with recommendations for a national levee safety program. She participates in various initiatives to promote safer development standards and mitigate flood risk, including co-authoring Mitigating Misery: Land Use and Protection of Property Rights Before the Next Big Flood, published by the Vermont Journal of Environmental Law. Sam is a Juris Doctor graduate of Vermont Law School, has a BS in Government summa cum laude from Texas Woman’s University, and has been a Certified Floodplain Manager since 2001.