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Event Speaker

William Gutowski

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Title & Affiliation
Professor Department of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences, Iowa State University

William J. Gutowski, Jr., is Professor of Meteorology in the Department of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences at Iowa State University. His research is focused on the role of atmospheric dynamics in climate, with emphasis on the dynamics of the hydrologic cycle and regional climate. Dr. Gutowski’s research program entails a variety of modeling and data analysis approaches to capture the necessary spatial and temporal scales ofthese dynamics and involves working through the Regional Climate Modeling Laboratory at Iowa State University. His work also includes regional modeling of Arctic, African, and East Asian climates and involves collaboration withscientists in these regions. From this work he has authored or co-authored over 80 peer-reviewed publications. He served on the National Academy of Science’s Committee on Climate Change and U.S. Transportation, and Committee on Challenges and Opportunities in the Hydrologic Sciences. He was a member of U.S. Climate Change Science Plan Panels.  Dr. Gutowski received a PhD in meteorology from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1984) and a bachelor of science degree in astronomy and physics from Yale University (1976).