Maxwell Hammond

Student Spotlight: Maxwell Hammond


In a leap towards modernizing robotic applications, Maxwell Hammond, a PhD student at the Cooperative Autonomous Systems Lab, unveils a novel approach to maneuver soft continuum robots. Unlike their rigid counterparts, these robots exhibit flexibility akin to biological organisms, making them ideal for complex tasks like underwater exploration or precise medical procedures. However, steering them accurately has always posed a challenge due to their flexible nature.

In his recent paper, Max introduces a method that simplifies the task of path planning for these robots, employing mathematical models and Bernstein surface approximations. This innovative technique not only facilitates precise robot control but also ensures safety and computational efficiency, paving the way for real-time path planning.

Max's work holds promise in revolutionizing delicate operations, be it navigating through the convoluted human anatomy for surgical interventions or exploring unreachable underwater terrains. By overcoming the hurdles in controlling soft robots, he brings us a step closer to a future where robots and humans can collaboratively interact within complex environments, expanding the horizons of what's achievable. Through his endeavor, Max has the potential to significantly impact both the field of robotics and our society at large.

Authored By: Venanzio Chichella, PhD