Water Quality

Cwiertny Discusses Iowa Water Supply and Quantity Issues


David Cwiertny, the program director of the Environmental Policy Research Program, recently sat down with Ted Corrigan, CEO and general manager of Des Moines Water Works, to discuss Iowa's water quality and supply issues on Iowa Press. Cwiertny elaborated on how over "a quarter of the state of Iowa" is facing extreme drought due to minimal rainfall and a scarcity of groundwater because of a lack of aquifer recharge. In the realm of water quality, he highlighted concerns about warmth-induced water contaminants. "We need to start thinking about how to have conversations about water quality in Iowa that don't just begin and end with the nutrient reduction strategy," Cwiertny emphasized. "I think we need to think more holistically about how we prioritize our water use and make the best use of available resources." 

More detail and full video interview here.