Education: a key to fluoridation compliance.
Date Published
This descriptive study reviews the pre- and post-seminar compliance for water plant operators with regard to water fluoridation. The Illinois Department of Public Health conducted eight workshops with 198 participants representing 91 water facilities. These workshops provided a basic course in water fluoridation. Monthly water sample results were studied six months prior and subsequent to the seminar. The mean compliance levels showed a statistically significant increase at p = 0.05 after the seminar. For subgroups there were statistically significant (p less than 0.05) differences of the mean for facilities requiring a class C water plant operator, facilities adding hydrofluosilicic acid, and operators in communities serving more than 10,000 people. Discussion of the variables and their possible influence on the outcome is elaborated. For the maintenance of proper levels of fluoride, states may want to consider providing an ongoing level of education for the water plant operators.